Handing over the printing of you A5 leaflets to a reputed A5 Leaflets Printing company is just half the task. There are many things you must consider while getting your leaflets printed. Here are a few pointers on how you can make sure that your A5 leaflets are worthwhile.
1) Be Clear
You have a very little time frame to catch audience’s attention and even less time to get your message across. You need to make sure your message is very clear. Keep it simple: The simpler, the better.
2) Be creative
To make it attractive use photographs as a picture can convey thousand words. Use maps if you want to highlight the location. Do not overcrowd the space available in your A5 leaflets.
3) Contact
Your A5 leaflets should carry proper contact information. Have as many as contact points as possible like emails, live chat, phone number. Ensure that there is someone to answer in a proper way with all important information.
4) Target audience
If you want your message to be conveyed properly then first understand your target audience. Do a small research on them and find the best possible ways you can reach them with your A5 leaflets .
5) Size
You should think about the size required to convey your message. If you think that small size will do but want something bigger than the credit card size then A5 leaflets are the best. It is the perfect size for your promotional content.
6) Heading
Your heading should immediately catch the attention of your audience. It should try to convey your message in just one punch line or a key word. This will ensure that the readers gets the gist quickly before they decide to throw away their leaflets.
7) Printing Company
You want to attract viewers at one go then your A5 leaflets should be designed by an experienced and reputed printing company. If you want to get your A5 leaflets printing done then you can contact Affordable Leaflets. We make sure that you get a hassle free printing experience right from designing to delivery.
Once your leaflets are printed, they must reach your target audience- Only then their worth can be realized. They must reach the right people at the right time and at the right place.
Distribution is the most important part for maximizing audience number. There are several ways of distribution that will make sure that your leaflets reach out to potential consumers-
a) Door to door
You can distribute your leaflets door to door so that every house in your target area knows about your product or service.
b) In areas that your target audience visit
Identify the areas in which your target audience frequently goes to. This will ensure that your leaflets reach the right audience.
c) Through newspapers
Put your leaflets inside the pages of newspapers. Whoever gets the newspaper gets to know about you.
If you follow these tips, you can make your A5 leaflets worthwhile.